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Sun Investment Group Italia T3- Solar investment

Fundraising for Sun Investment Group Italia - Tranche 3

  Fundraising closed

------- Raised

€1,404,120 Ceiling

100% Collected

€1,404,120 Objective

If I had invested


Investment simulation
Sun Investment Group Italia T3 - Obligation 9%/year over 1.7 year
Simulation - Rate : 9% / year on 1.7 ans

Initial investment:


Repayments and interest:


In 2 transfers


The result presented is not a forecast of the future performance of your investments. It is only intended to illustrate the mechanics of your investment over the investment period. The evolution of the value of your investment may vary from what is shown, either increasing or decreasing.

  • Type of investmentSimple bonds 
  • Fixed interest rate9%/year  
  • Loan duration1.7 year 
  • TaxationSpain 
  • Min investment€10 
  • Raised amount€1,404,120 
  • Unit value€10 
  • Repaymentin fine
  • Interest paymentannualized
  • Participatory funding rankingsSee documentation
  • Participants1106 eco-savers
Who could invest?
Starting Thursday 02 May 2024 12h30
  • Investment open to everyone
Until Sunday 02 June 2024 12h30

End of project financing

If I had invested


Investment simulation
Sun Investment Group Italia T3 - Obligation 9%/year over 1.7 year
Simulation - Rate : 9% / year on 1.7 ans

Initial investment:


Repayments and interest:


In 2 transfers


The result presented is not a forecast of the future performance of your investments. It is only intended to illustrate the mechanics of your investment over the investment period. The evolution of the value of your investment may vary from what is shown, either increasing or decreasing.

Investing in this participatory financing project involves risks, including the risk of total or partial loss of the capital invested. Your investment is not covered by the deposit guarantee schemes established in accordance with directive 2014/49/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council. Your investment is also not covered by the investor compensation schemes established in accordance with Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. Return on investment is not guaranteed. This is not a savings product, and we recommend that you not to invest more than 10% of your net assets in participatory finance projects. You may not be able to sell the investment instruments when you wish. If you are able to sell them, however, you may incur losses.

Many of you took part in our Webinar on Tuesday January 23. Thank you for attending!


Support the development of renewable energies in southern Italy, in Campania (Naples region).

Financing for the development of 135MWp in Italy (ground-mounted photovoltaic) via Sun Investment Group.

Sun Investment Group (SIG) is one of Europe's leading solar photovoltaic development groups. The company covers the entire solar photovoltaic value chain: from development to construction, operation and maintenance, with the ability to optimize costs and generate value at every stage of the asset's life cycle.

Based in Lithuania, the group currently operates in six countries, including Italy, Poland and Spain, as an independent power producer (IPP) and "EPCiste" (engineering, procurement and construction). The Group's Spanish subsidiary helps to structure and finance GIS operations. 

The group, created in 2017, has more than 100 employees in Italy, Spain, Poland and Lithuania, has 6 offices in Europe, has more than 2.7 GWp under development of which nearly 300 MW are ready-to-build projects. To date, SIG has developed, built, commissioned and sold over 200 MWp in the UK, Poland and Lithuania. Since 2022, the company has focused on increasing its development pipeline, increasing the number of projects that have reached ready-to-build status. By 2024, SIG will build more than 60 MW of photovoltaic installations in Poland. These projects will either be sold to third parties in operation, or maintained by the company, generating long-term revenues through the sale of energy.

According to the company, SIG's portfolio of assets is valued at over 80 million euros.

Through its Spanish subsidiary, Sun Investment Group is seeking a third financing round of 1.404.120 euros (following a first tranche of 2.295.880 euros, and a second tranche of 1.300.000 euros, which have been completed in recent months), for a maximum (total) amount of 5 million euros. With this financing, SIG aims to complete the development of four ground-mounted photovoltaic parks with a combined total capacity of 135 MWp. The projects are located in Italy, in several municipalities around Naples, an area with high levels of sunshine. The three programs (tranches 1, 2 and 3) offer the same guarantees and characteristics.


Sun Investment Group chose the Italian market because it is booming: Italy is Europe's third-largest producer of renewable energy. In recent years, the country has launched ambitious action plans to accelerate the deployment of renewable energies, particularly solar power. Specifically, Italy has allocated a budget of 59 billion euros to promote the development of renewable energies between 2021 and 2026.

The Italian solar energy market is fragmented - there are more than 5 major players in the solar energy industry. As the global energy landscape evolves, the Italian solar market is likely to consolidate further, with the largest players gaining market share. The attractiveness of the Italian solar market has attracted the attention of international solar companies. This global interest has intensified competition, but also brought a wealth of experience and resources.

What's more, Italy enjoys abundant solar radiation throughout the year, particularly in its southern regions. On average, Italy receives between 1,300 and 1,800 kWh/m2 of solar radiation per year.

On the other hand, Italy enjoys abundant sunshine throughout the year, particularly in the southern regions.

In addition, electricity prices are high. Dependence on natural gas-fired power stations and a weak grid interconnection infrastructure are the structural reasons why Italy has one of the highest electricity prices in the EU. High electricity prices make alternative energy sources, such as photovoltaic solar power, more economically attractive.


A pipeline of projects under development very close to "ready-to-build" status.

The Group's portfolio in Italy includes over 600 MW of projects in the pre-construction phase. More than half of the projects in progress have already obtained the conditions for connection to the grid and paid the guarantee deposits. SIG finances the development of its solar photovoltaic power plants.

SIG's solar portfolio in Italy already has an estimated market value of over 12 million euros.

Sun Investment Group, through its Spanish subsidiary, is seeking financing of 5 million euros to complete the development of a 135 MW project portfolio, which should reach the RtB phase by 2024. The 4 solar photovoltaic projects are located in various municipalities around Naples. All 4 projects are awaiting approval of environmental impact studies.

The funds raised will be used primarily for these developments: environmental and town-planning studies, assessment of building permits, connection deadlines, etc. In short, they will enable SIG to complete the various authorization phases required to start the construction phase of these photovoltaic power plants.

The objective of this fundraising (tranche 3) is the issue of simple bonds, carried out by the Spanish company "SUN INVESTMENT ES FINANCIAL SERVICES 2". The bonds offer a yield of 9% p.a., with interest payable on March 12, 2025, and principal repayable on March 12, 2026.

In Italy, SIG manages the entire project value chain, i.e. it develops and manages projects from the development phase through to the commissioning of solar power plants. SIG Italy intends to use the funds raised as follows:

Several repayment strategies may be envisaged. The projects could be sold as the development stages are reached, to enable the bonds to be repaid. Refinancing could take place, either via a bank loan to refinance the projects at a more advantageous interest rate, or in the form of equity provided by SIG.

Structuring the operation

The Spanish subsidiary SUN INVESTMENT ES FINANCIAL SERVICES 2 (owned by Sun Investment Group) owns the Italian company SIG PROJECT ITALY 1 S.R.L., which holds the rights to the 4 projects currently under development in Italy.

The funds raised through the bond issue by the Group's Spanish subsidiary will be transferred to the entity holding the projects. On maturity of the bonds of the three financing tranches (March 12, 2026), the Italian entity will repay the intra-group loan to the issuing (Spanish) entity, which will be able to repay the Enerfip investors.

The issue is backed by a double guarantee, namely the joint and several guarantee offered by the parent company Sun Investment Group and the pledge of all the shares of the projects' holding company, SIG PROJECT ITALY 1 S.R.L.



SPV name

Yield (kWh/kWp/year)

Project status

DevEx (k€)

CapEx (k€)

Cancello e Arnone 1


Environmental studies



Cancello e Arnone 2


Environmental studies



Castelvolturno 2


Environmental studies





Environmental studies





You will find below details of all project-related risks, together with the associated control procedures.


Credit risk related to the company's ability to refinance and meet its debt repayments. Repayment of Enerfip debt over the life of the loan may depend on the company's ability to obtain a bank loan.

➔ The business plans for the projects to be developed highlight strong cash flows and senior debt servicing, which should make it easier to obtain a bank loan.



Risk that not all documents and authorizations required for construction will be obtained for certain projects.

➔ Environmental studies are in progress. The technical analyses carried out on the 4 projects have not raised any major points of attention.



Risk of delays, non-completion or additional costs in project development.

➔ Development risk is partially under control: analysis reports have not highlighted any particular problems. The GIS team has extensive experience in developing this type of project.



Risk that cash flows generated by the sale of projects will not cover debt servicing.

➔ Enerfip has established a joint and several guarantee from the parent company, which has a strong capital position: SIG has an asset portfolio of over 2.7 GW (market value of 80 million euros, according to group estimates). SIG has a solid portfolio of projects in Poland, Italy and other markets. The issuer operates in two of the most promising markets for solar power development in Europe: Poland and Italy.

➔ Enerfip has set up a guarantee system similar to the joint and several guarantee system; we have obtained a commitment from the parent company to honor the commitments of its subsidiary in the event of the latter's default.

➔ Enerfip has obtained a pledge of the shares of the company holding all the rights to the projects to be financed: SIG PROJECT ITALY 1 SRL. In the event of non-payment of debt servicing, Enerfip will be able to exercise this pledge to take control of this company and sell the projects in its portfolio. The cash generated by these sales will be used to repay Enerfip's investors.


Investing in this participatory finance project involves risks, including the risk of total or partial loss of the capital invested. Your investment is not covered by the deposit guarantee schemes established in accordance with Directive 2014/49/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (*1). Nor is your investment covered by investor compensation schemes established in accordance with Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (*2). Return on investment is not guaranteed. This is not a savings product, and we advise you not to invest more than 10% of your net assets in participatory finance projects. You may not be able to sell the investment instruments when you wish. If you are able to sell them, you may still incur losses.


Objective decarbonation!

Combining profitable and responsible investment

As the first investment platform dedicated to the energy transition in France and Europe, Enerfip's mission is to decarbonize public savings. Our ambition? To enable you to help finance a more sustainable energy model.

At a time when we're working to reduce our carbon footprint, we need to realize that our savings represent our biggest source of CO2 emissions, and that the money we invest has a real impact on tomorrow's world. Convinced that we can - and must - make this impact positive, we offer you the chance to combine profitable and responsible investment by directly financing concrete projects that contribute to the ecological transition, while benefiting from the economic spin-offs generated by the exploitation of shared natural resources.

With 400 million euros worth of energy transition projects financed, Enerfip has established itself as the European leader in eco-responsible investment. Founded in 2014 by renewable energy and finance experts, it is supported by a team whose expertise, commitment and energy are inseparable from its success. Now booming, we launched our Spanish subsidiary 🇪🇸 in September 2022, and our Italian subsidiary 🇮🇹 in September 2023... and we don't intend to stop there!

"Enerfip is first and foremost about channelling people's savings into the most important issues of the future, to give ourselves the means to achieve our ambitions. We are deeply convinced that if each and every one of us, at our own level, can regain power over the future of our savings, and choose what they finance, then together we are fully capable of influencing energy policies and concretely supporting the dynamics of ecological transition. "

Julien Hostache, President & Co-Founder





Sun Investment Group (SIG) es uno de los principales grupos de desarrollo de energía solar fotovoltaica de Europa.


Con sede en Lituania, el grupo opera actualmente en 7 países, entre ellos Italia, Polonia y España, como productor independiente de energía (IPP) y "EPCista" (Engineering, Procurement and Construction).


SIG cubre toda la cadena de valor de la energía solar fotovoltaica: desde el desarrollo y la construcción hasta la explotación y el mantenimiento, con capacidad para optimizar costes y generar valor en cada fase del ciclo de vida del activo. La estrategia de financiación del Grupo consiste principalmente en préstamos privados obtenidos de fondos de inversión. Es la primera vez que el Grupo SIG recurre a la inversión participativa para financiar el desarrollo de sus proyectos.


Anteriormente especializado en la venta de activos desarrollados/construidos cuando alcanzaban la fase de "listo para construir" u operativa, el grupo pretende ahora adoptar el modelo de negocio "IPP" (Productor Independiente de Energía). Esto significa que los activos se conservarán para generar flujos de caja regulares a partir de la venta de electricidad.


Este modelo de negocio implica una inversión de capital muy importante. El grupo, creado en 2017, tiene más de 2,7 GWp en desarrollo, y ya cuenta con más de 200 MWp en funcionamiento. Según la empresa, la cartera de activos de SIG está valorada en más de 80 millones de euros.



Creación del grupo. Desarrollo y venta de 2 MW con el multi family office británico. Creación de una empresa EPC B2B lituana en JV con I+D Energias. Adquisición y desarrollo de proyectos de 43 MW en Polonia.
Adquisición de RTB 66 MW en Polonia.
Desarrollo interno de una cartera de proyectos totalmente nuevos de más de 400 MW. 43 MW puestos en servicio.
Inclusión en la lista de las 50 empresas europeas más importantes de Solar Plaza. Venta de una cartera solar operativa de 43 MW en Polonia a Aberdeen Standard Investments. Entrada en un nuevo mercado en Italia. Desarrollo interno de una cartera Greenfield que alcanza 1 GW. Puesta en servicio de 66 MW.
Adquisición de RTB 24 MW en Polonia e inicio de la construcción. La cartera de Sun Investment Group ocupa el puesto 40 en el TOP 50 europeo. Venta de una cartera operativa de 13 MW como parte de un contrato de 24 MW a Alternus Energy.
Venta de una cartera operativa de 11 MW como parte de un contrato de 24 MW a Alternus Energy. Entrada en un nuevo mercado en España.


Restricted access

Access to financial data is regulated by the French financial markets authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers). To access the analysis data please


If I had invested


Investment simulation
Sun Investment Group Italia T3 - Obligation 9%/year over 1.7 year
Simulation - Rate : 9% / year on 1.7 ans

Initial investment:


Repayments and interest:


In 2 transfers


The result presented is not a forecast of the future performance of your investments. It is only intended to illustrate the mechanics of your investment over the investment period. The evolution of the value of your investment may vary from what is shown, either increasing or decreasing.

Key figures for the project owner 

Productible P50

1 889 kWh / kWc / an

Total power

135.3 MWc

Annual production P50  

255 641 MWh

Group portfolio value

80M €

C02 avoided

252,062 tons/year