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The innovativecrowdfunding solution

million Euros
raised by Enerfip for 473 projects since 2015.

We are growing
throughout Europe

Enerfip works with more than 50 partners, including private bankers, wealth management advisors and others.

Through its offer. Enerfip provides a diversification option for over 52,000 investors

Partners Private banks and asset managers

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Online partners (affiliators)

Le trader du dimanche logo
Partner finance heros
Partner argent salaire
Partner ethikdo
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Logo sinvestir or1
Ilek seeklogo
Partner investissements faciles
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Take advantage of Enerfip's various investment products

We provide you with turnkey, cross-functional services to offer your customers the best investments.

Investments up to 9.5% before tax
No cost to your customers
Partner area to track your customers' investments
Fundraising reserved for your customers
Attractive retrocession

Get the full benefit of everythingwe've developed since 2015

We provide you with turnkey, cross-functional services to offer your customers the best investments.

Financial Expertise

As a company founded by experts in energy and in energy finance, Enerfip customises your financing structure, and builds and distributes the financial product to the general public.

No. 1 in Europe

In 2020, Enerfip became the market leader in the European Union with 40% market share, having raised over 558 million euros for 473 projects thanks to a community of 52,173 investors. As the first service provider to have obtained the European Passport, Enerfip offers the most advanced international expertise in the energy crowdfunding market.

Legal Framework

Accredited as a European crowdfunding service provider (ECSP) by the French Financial Markets Authority, Enerfip's legal department ensures that you raise funds in full compliance with the legal and regulatory framework of the European Union and of your home country.

Pioneer and Trailblazer

Enerfip was the first platform to offer equity financing, and the first to raise funds from the crowd for an offshore wind farm. We are also the first in the industry to improve asset liquidity thanks to a secondary market (where investors can buy and sell assets).