Invest in the Future of Solar Energy in Spain and Italy
Solar Ambition Europe, a subsidiary of Green Enesys Group, a European developer of renewable energies, is partnering with Viridi to co-develop nine solar power plants in Italy and Spain, representing 82.2 MWp. This fundraising aims to raise €750 000. Investors benefit from a 9% interest rate over a three-year maturity period. This funding aims to cover the initial development costs, such as technical studies, administrative authorizations, and preliminary work, leading to a fully permitted (Ready-To-Build) project scheduled for 2027.
9 photovoltaic power plants in Italy and Spain
The amount to be collected is €750/000, which will be distributed across several projects to finance the various phases of development, from initial studies to obtaining the necessary authorizations and signing connection agreements with local electricity networks.
Investors will participate in this fundraising through the issuance of simple bonds. The proposed interest rate is 9% per annum, and the investment duration is three years.
The issuer of the bonds is Solar Ambition CF 1 S.A., a Spanish law company and subsidiary of Green Enesys, specifically established to hold and finance this portfolio of solar projects.
In terms of security, Enerfip has secured a first-ranking pledge on the company ABEDUL, which directly holds the nine projects, thus ensuring protection for investors in the event of default.
Each SPV holds the rights to a specific project located in Spain or Italy, allowing for risk diversification across the entire portfolio.
Fasi di investimento
- Investimento aperto a tutti
Fine della raccolta
Simulazione di investimento
Solar Ambition T2 - Obligation 9%/anno su 2,9 anni
Simulazione - Tasso: 9% / anno per 2,9 ans
Investimento iniziale:
1.000 €
Rimborsi e interessi:
1.261,12 €
In 3 rate
Data | Interessi* | Capitale | Importo |
19/12/2025 | 81,12 € | 0 € | 81,12 € |
19/12/2026 | 90 € | 0 € | 90 € |
19/12/2027 | 90 € | 1.000 € | 1.090 € |
Totale | 261,12 € | 1.000 € | 1.261,12 € |
*Interessi lordi prima delle imposte, tutte le spese incluse (vedi tassazione) Il risultato presentato non costituisce una previsione delle future performance dei tuoi investimenti. Ha solo lo scopo di illustrare i meccanismi del tuo investimento nel corso del periodo di investimento. L'andamento del valore del tuo investimento può discostarsi da quanto visualizzato, sia al rialzo che al ribasso. |
Many of you took part in our Webinar on Wednesday November 13. Thank you for attending!
Il progetto
This funding aims to support the development of nine photovoltaic ground-mounted projects, two of which include an agrivoltaic component, combining agriculture and solar energy production.
These projects are located in strategic regions of Italy (Basilicata and Sicily) and Spain (region of Madrid), two areas benefiting from favorable climatic conditions for solar energy.
The technologies used for these power plants include solar trackers, which optimize energy production by following the sun’s trajectory throughout the day, significantly improving efficiency compared to fixed photovoltaic systems.
The portfolio totals a capacity of 82.2 MWp and is expected to reach the RTB (ready-to-build) stage between 2025 and 2027, depending on the different projects. All these projects have obtained network access authorization, and most have secured land.
Promotori del progetto
Solar Ambition: Powering Europe’s Renewable Future
As the solar arm of Green Enesys, Solar Ambition Europe GmbH specializes in the development of photovoltaic projects across Europe, bringing expertise and dedication to advancing renewable energy solutions on a continental scale.
Green Enesys and Viridi RE Group: Established renewable energy developer
Founded in 2006 and 2009, respectively, Viridi RE Group and Green Enesys Group are international developers in the renewable energy sector, with a strong presence in Europe and America.
The decade-long partners combine an-18-year proven track record in developing, funding, and building over 100 PV and renewable energy projects. Operating across 15 countries, with offices in Germany (HQ), Spain, Italy, the USA, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, the two companies collaborate on a broad portfolio of green initiatives, including photovoltaic (PV), energy storage, and green hydrogen projects.
With a current pipeline of around 12 GW globally (71+ projects), with ~1GW in Italy and 2.7GW+ in Spain, they are covering every stage of renewable project development, from technical assessments to financial processes, ensuring utility-scale projects become “ready-to-build.” Over the past decade, they have developed nearly 500 MW of PV projects and have facilitated project sales totaling over 1 GW in the past 18 months.
Panoramica dei rischi
Rischio di sviluppo
Rischio relativo alle autorizzazioni rilasciate alla società e ai terreni e ai ricorsi di terzi contro le autorizzazioni rilasciate.
Mezzi di mitigazione
Los equipos de los dos co-desarrolladores, Green Enesys y Viridi, cuentan con amplios conocimientos y experiencia en el desarrollo y construcción de este tipo de proyectos fotovoltaicos.
Rischio di rifinanziamento
Rischio di credito relativo alla capacità della società di rifinanziare e onorare i propri debiti.
Mezzi di mitigazione
El promotor ya está negociando con posibles socios financieros para refinanciar sus proyectos con deuda bancaria o capital. Incluso si Solar Ambition desea conservar sus proyectos, algunos de ellos podrían venderse al alcanzar el estado de «listos para construir», en caso necesario. Además, la solidez del Grupo está bien establecida: Green Enesys y Viridi tienen una cartera de proyectos en desarrollo de más de 12 GW en todo el mundo (1 GW en Italia y 2,7 GW+ en España).
Rischi normativi
Rischio di cambiamenti nelle normative applicabili al settore, che comportino riduzioni di sussidi o nuove imposte con un impatto significativo sui ricavi del progetto
Mezzi di mitigazione
La cartera de proyectos presentada se encuentra en una fase intermedia de desarrollo, a pesar de haber obtenido acuerdos de conexión para cada proyecto. En caso de no desarrollarse uno de estos proyectos, el promotor se compromete a sustituirlo por otro similar (en tamaño y fase de desarrollo).
L’investimento in questo progetto di equity crowdfunding comporta dei rischi, compreso il rischio di perdita totale o parziale del capitale investito. Il tuo investimento non è coperto dai sistemi di garanzia dei depositi istituiti ai sensi della direttiva 2014/49/UE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio. Il tuo investimento non è inoltre coperto dai sistemi di indennizzo degli investitori istituiti ai sensi della Direttiva 97/9/CE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio. Il rendimento dell’investimento non è garantito. Non si tratta di un prodotto di risparmio e si consiglia di non investire più del 10% del proprio patrimonio netto in progetti di finanziamento partecipativo. Potreste non essere in grado di vendere gli strumenti di investimento quando lo desiderate. Se riuscite a venderli, potreste comunque subire delle perdite.